Call or Text 587-855-1304
Call or Text 587-855-1304
Advanced Elements are the manufacturer of highly durable inflatable kayaks and paddle boards. Advanced Elements offers touring, recreation and fishing inflatable kayaks at a range of price points.
Advanced Elements uses superior materials and constructions to make durable inflatables. The inner tube and outer shell create more rigidity without adding a lot of air pressure. The kayaks are pumped up to 2-3 psi and are completely rigid. When too much pressure is used to inflate lower quality inflatable kayaks and paddle boards there is a risk of seams delaminating.
Advanced Elements also uses drop-stitched floors in certain models like the Airvolution, Convertible Elite and Straight Edge. This system is similar to a paddle board where stitches are sown through the material to hold it in the correct shape so less psi is required for a rigid surface. In the case of the Airvolution, this drop stitching is also used on the deck, side walls and floor, which makes this boat extremely durable and rigid.
These boats pack down very small, approximately 12 x 18 x 36 inches, so they are great for easy storage and transportation. These kayaks inflate in about 13 minutes with the dual action manual pump, so a roof rack and specialty pumps are not required. These kayaks are set up for easy storage for the RV, camper, trailer, biking or hiking situations.