16 Yards - 39 Yards: 10% OFF
40 Yards - 100 Yards: 15% OFF
Chopped Strand Mat, also known as fibreglass mat, has short strands of fibres held together with a resin binder. It is affordable and is often used in mold construction and parts where thickness is needed.
Chopped strand mat can easily be used to conform to tight curves and corners. The randomly oriented fibres give parts equal stiffness in all directions. Mat does not add much strength to a part. If strength and thickness are both needed, it is recommended that the chopped strand mat be used in between layers of woven fibreglass fabric. Layering will also help the fabrics bond well together. Mat is NOT compatible with epoxy resin. The binder that holds the short strands together needs styrene to dissolve properly. Styrene is found in polyester and vinylester resin. Fibreglass mat will create a higher weight product. If a lower weight is needed, a fibreglass cloth or knitted fabric should be used.